yeah david. you are sooooo right.
last sms to cheer me on.
"get it over and done with"
thanks david my brother-in Christ for reminding me this!!! i guess get it over and done with!!! not juz will it be JCTs.. it'll be this whole thing called the Alevels as well. this wholeeeee year. get it over and done with.
so exams are over. rejoice! yay.
but looking back.
i tink i'm really not gonna do well for my papers. not one not any. disappointing..?? but expected. sad to say. i should have really studied harder. but i only begun really concentrating too late in the month of june. sigh!
guess i'm not really looking forwards to results! at least results iz postponed by a day cuz monday iz youth day.. and that means HOLIDAY!!!! (: but there's trng and physio. sounds like a holiday training day.. actually it iz one.
well.. juz a mini shoutout of thanks!!! (:
thanks to
for constantly being the "buggers" cheering me on every day of the exams!!! (: wow.
it still feels good to be without exam pressure. like a heavy burden lifted off and now i can flyyyyyyyyyyyy
*throbs @02:53 <3
There .
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